All thy children shall be taught of the Lord; and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isaiah 54:13
God loves children and he wants us to love them too. That’s why we established the ‘Darlings of Jesus’. He declared that being like a child means greatness in God’s kingdom. Humble, child-like faith is what God is pleased with. Receiving a child is like receiving Him.
Our hope for our children is for them to know God’s love, to learn stories in the Bible that they can relate to at home and school, and to be in community with each other and the wider church family. We have lots of fun and craft activities that cover different topics each week.
We are excited to have your child be a part of this family. To find out more information, please meet with one of our volunteers at the Admin Desk after our Main service.
Sunday Morning Service
Every Sunday
We are on the lookout for more volunteers to serve in equipping and raising up the next generation for the Lord.
Who says our meeting has to be confined to the four walls of a classroom? We believe that Jesus is the reason to be joyful and excited about life. You can chill out playing, bowling, football, basketball, throw ball and watching movies. Come, hangout with us!
Saving Grace Teens Ministry also known as ‘Blaze’ focuses on providing young people a place to learn to worship God, His nature, His plans for them and their future. It is a place to develop them into future leaders of the church. We believe that the generations of today are the church of tomorrow. The goal is to lead them with God’s provision and teach them how to function as Godly men and women in just a few short years.
The impact of this ministry on the life of the teens is inspiring in more ways than one. This facet of the Ministry aims to explain to the teens that they are loved and cared for; their opinions matter and they are never alone to face the challenges that lie ahead of them, guiding them to rely on the true word of God which is the key to all situations. Each session deals with crucial topics that are relevant to their age group – relationships, dating, betrayal and rejection, peer pressure, dealing with anger, fear and depression, puberty, sex, bullying, love, secular music and so on.
The Teens meet every Friday for an enthusiastic, fun filled learning through Bible study, real life scenarios, group discussions, games, role plays, Bible Quiz and case studies. The teens are encouraged to actively participate. The sessions are based on the vision of the church i.e. to Evangelize, Equip and Empower.
Sunday Morning Service
Every Alternate Sunday
At SG Youth, we seek to create a culture of fellowship, family and belonging. We know that each one of us are on a unique journey to find our identity in Christ. Our objective is to encourage each other to be better disciples of Christ through the values of mentorship and practical learning.
We encourage, love and support each other through relationship, study, prayer and fun! In our gatherings we praise and worship the Lord together, share and strengthen each other with testimonies, meditate on the word of God, have fun filled interactive sessions & activities, pray for each other.
Various locations
Once a month
Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. – Mat 5:9
God wants HIS church to spend time interceding for the needs and pray for HIS kingdom to advance. We at Saving Grace prioritize spending time together praying, as we believe this is one of the purpose of the church.
If there was and is something always on the heart of Jesus, it was and is nothing but prayer. Jesus communed with HIS Father constantly and has set the example for HIS church to follow.
Without intercession we cannot expect God to move and work wonders in the lives of HIS people and the nations to which HE has sent us.
We have experienced God move in supernatural ways as we stand together as a team praying as “ prayer intercessors”, we have experienced heaven move on our behalf as we stand in the gap interceding for the needy, the lost and lest.
We respond in faith to Jeremiah 33:3 ‘Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.’
Every Tuesday
Our Intercessory Prayer team is happy to intercede and pray to overcome your breakthrough in your situations.
See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert. (Isaiah 43:18-19)
Are you in a desert experience? Let your thirsty soul be restored and refreshed through our growth group, which are like streams in Desert.
Our desire is to see people connected to God through the good news of Jesus Christ. We’re also keen for people to build real connections with each other centered on fellowship with God. This starts as people come along to church and get involved in one of our weekly congregations. But it doesn’t stop here. Real connections are developed as people engage with each other in meaningful relationships. People grow as they learn from God’s word and apply it in their lives. Growth groups provide an important context for people to grow together in living out the implications of the gospel. As people grasp the gospel more and more, they will be moved to serve God and others with the gifts God has given them.
The best way to get connected at Saving Grace is by joining one of our Growth Groups. We meet in locations all across the city for a time of fun, relationship, bible study and prayer.
Join us for a short time of worship and devotion every weekday morning. It is our belief that our day should begin with prayer, worship and devotion to God. This sets our day on the right track and helps us maintain a closer day to day relationship with Him.
Every weekday morning
5:15 AM – 6:00 AM
Are you a single parent Dad or Mum?
Do you sometimes feel that you are all alone with the responsibilities of parenthood?
Are you worried about your future as a single parent and the future of your children?
Saving Grace Church Ministry for Single Parents is here for you.
Currently on hold
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God. (Matthew 5:9)
One of the greatest challenges people face is to develop & maintain healthily relationships with an excellent consistency, we counsel individuals & families to grow in a loving relationship with each other and assist in being “peacemakers” as and when required.
We counsel based on God’s word “The BIBLE”, counseling may be required in different areas ranging from varied age groups. We have Spirit Filled and Spirit Led leaders who make themselves available to counsel those in need.
Some of the areas and groups we counsel are as follows:
Parenting, Marriage, Teenagers, Youth, Children, Single Parents, Widows and the elderly, Business Men & Women, Job seekers, The Lonely, and those under various addictions.
The Bible calls the church to help suffering people receive comfort and care. Because of this conviction, we offer the service of biblical counselling to those who require.
In accordance to the Vision of the Church ‘Evangelize, Equip, Empower’, equipping the body of the church to effectively fulfill ‘The Great Commission’ given by Jesus Christ is considered as high priority. Many training sessions are conducted.
Click below to find out more about some of the trainings which are conducted on a regular basis.
This course is for new believers. The objective of this course is to provide a deeper understanding of the Christian Truth and Faith.
The following topics are taught:
This course is meant for individuals who intend to settle down in marriage and desire to know God’s Word regarding choosing their life partners.
This is a 12-week course and meant only for married couples. It’s a life transforming course which leads each couple to live a Christ centered marriage. Couples attending all 12 sessions are awarded a certificate of graduation. Pastors Donald & Neeta Benedict have been running this course.
As part of our vision we equip every member of the church, leadership training is for those who have the heart to serve as servant leaders exhibiting Christ-likeness as a lifestyle
God wants us to build a good foundation in Him. We are needed to move forward in the Lord. This series teaches the following topics:
Importance of foundation
Repentance from dead works
Faith in God
Doctrines of Baptism
Laying of hands
Resurrection of the dead
Eternal Judgement
Please contact us to know more about enrolment and course dates.
We know it can be difficult to take the next step from a large group environment like our weekend worship experience to a smaller setting. That’s why we would like to offer a few suggestions to help.
1) Be a part of our Growth Group. Get in touch with one of our Growth Group leaders.
2) Serving is a great way to meet people who are already plugged into a small group.
View Volunteer Opportunities