Out of the Ordinary

Luke 5:1-7

This is a story of the commercial fishermen Peter, who had come in one morning empty-handed after been fishing all night. He had not caught anything after a night’s shift . Now that’s bad news when you’re in the fishing business. Moreover, looking at the empty nets the dirt it had collected, they needed deep cleaning. Peter was deep in his thoughts, probably tired and discouraged because they did not have a profitable night. And to top it off, here comes this preacher who asks Peter, ”Let me borrow your boat while I finish My preaching.”

So Jesus got into Peter’s boat, pushed it away from the shore, finished His sermon and then turned around to Peter and said, “Now launch out into the deep and let down your nets.” The Bible says that Peter began to explain why he couldn’t do that. Jesus was asking him to do something that was out of the ordinary.

Peter had to do something that was out of the ordinary. He had to go against his experience as a fisherman and accept the word of Jesus, that if he would plant an extraordinary seed, he would reap an extraordinary harvest. Peter replied, “You’re asking me to do something that is not the norm. I don’t feel like it. I don’t want to. It doesn’t feel right. It doesn’t sound right. It doesn’t look right, but nevertheless, at Thy word, I’ll do it.”

Peter did it—and he caught so many fish that his nets began to break!

In order to receive this rare and uncommon harvest of fish, Peter had to do something that was out of the ordinary. He had to go against his experience as a fisherman and accept the word of Jesus that if he would plant an extraordinary seed, he would reap an extraordinary harvest.

Beloved, do not keep looking at the empty nets but rise up and step in the supernatural.

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