The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want. Psalms 23:1

First of all I would like to thank God for everything. I am born again with Jesus. Actually I am from Hindu family and before I came in Jesus I was fighting with so many problems but after born again whatever was my dreams got full filled slowly. When I came to dubai I was nothing and started here with salary 1000 AED and had never been abroad before.It was my dream to travel all over world and now Jesus fulfilled my dreams and I have my own business and have traveled USA,UK, Canada, Australia, Newzeland all Europe . I would also give thanks to Jesus for always supporting me and my family wishes. Last but not the least I would Thank God for everything. I came to Dubai with blank hand but god gave me everything and supporting me and my family in every situation. My every breath giving thanks to God 😊🙏
Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in house of lord forever (psalms 23:6)
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