The danger of ‘Nobody will ever know’
Proverbs 7:17,18,19 -I have perfumed my bed with myrrh, aloes, and cinnamon. Come, let us take our fill of love till morning; let us delight ourselves in love. For my husband is not at home;he has gone on a long journey.
The cat pretends to see with her eyes closed while drinking milk just with a thought that nobody will ever know or no one is watching. The woman whose husband is not at home thinks she can handle this, she makes a plan to enjoy and approaches her lover wanting to be fulfilled. The woman is really saying, God doesn’t exist, many a times we want God to be out of our life so that the betrayal is easy. But the result is only pain, to live for few days she died forever, death is not only to cease breathing but it can be in the form of sickness, depression, pain, being lonely etc. There is a beautiful verse in Proverbs 6;27- Can a man carry fire next to his chest and his clothes not be burned? What a powerful question, when we play with danger, we are the first one who would be destroyed. God provides an escape in every temptation, run from it and if ever fallen than repent. God is faithful to forgive us, his love is unconditional and his mercies are new every morning and great is his faithfulness.
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